The Campus Arts Initiative, a project of Penn State’s Strategic Planning Seed Grant program, has announced the first eight artist collaborators, which were selected from the more than 158 applicants who responded to a national open call.
Bonnie Levinthal, associate professor of art at Penn State Abington, spent 18 days working with other artists and scientists near the Arctic Circle last fall. Levinthal’s Arctic-inspired exhibit, "Another World; by a route obscure … ", is on view through Feb. 24 at Napoleon gallery in Philadelphia.
Detail of suminogashi Bonnie Levinthal created with seawater and sumi ink on the deck of a tall ship in the Arctic Circle. The unique patterns were made solely by the rock of the ship, and the colors reflect those in the Arctic landscape: snow, black rock, glaciers, ice, and the soft changing colors of dusk.
The Penn State Abington Art Gallery will feature Philadelphia-based artist Scott Kip and his interactive installation, "The Enchanted Hunter," through Nov. 16.